Under pressure, a creative and demanding e-commerce! The 2024 Key themes emphases the resilience, innovation and creativity of e-commerce under pressure and underlines its ability to adapt

The 2024 Manifesto

Under pressure, a creative and demanding e-commerce!

With a highly flexible technological base and an ability to go where we least expect it, e-commerce will never have a definitive form. It is the first symptom of what is happening in the world, the first adjustment variable for customers. Whether it's reinventing itself during a health crisis, rethinking its channels in the wake of a geopolitical crisis, managing meteoric growth followed by a brutal slowdown, adapting to inflation and, of course, doing all this in an environmentally responsible way, e-commerce has not finished evolving or surprising us. It may have run out of steam by 2022, but it is still in action, driven by innovation and consumer expectations. It's smart and adapts everywhere, all the time. In concrete terms, in terms of business, FEVAD data reveals that French online sales in 2022 reached €147 billion. Again according to FEVAD, between the first quarter of 2022 and the first quarter of 2023, e-commerce sales will increase by €7 billion, with growth ranging from 11.8% to 20.2%. The signs are green....

... BUT with great power comes great responsibility :

We don't want to dampen the mood, but let's face it, we've entered the age of permacrisis. Consumers and customers are being affected by a continuous stream of crises of all kinds, and for purely economic reasons they are paying ever greater attention to them, which makes them particularly demanding. To sum up, in the face of these permacrises, e-commerce has to prioritise its actions, optimise its budgets and at the same time manage its stretched resources... a real balancing act. And what about the impact of the ecological transition on the sector? The transformation of business models, the evolution of professions, the demand for transparency, the need for sovereignty - this is not just a change that e-commerce is undergoing, but a veritable revolution. Those who don't approach it with the right tools and the right mindset will be left behind.

The machine is both well-oiled and increasingly permeable :

A return to the fundamentals of data and an increasingly "by design" approach to customer relations are leading to an increasingly impeccable customer journey. But the explosion in generative AI is reshuffling the deck, as we move from a question/answer, solution/problem approach to one of automatic and permanent improvement, with exponential possibilities and risks. Everything communicates, nothing is without consequence, and this augurs better user experiences and greater responsibility for retailers.

Creativity at the heart of everything :

Exposed to the contradictory demands of customers, e-commerce has no choice but to think outside the box in order to develop the right message, the best offer and the product or service that is most in tune with the times. If it wants to stand out in the ambient noise of this societal environment full of constraints, it has to be creative! When Le Slip Français launched a pre-order campaign for pants to bring down the cost of raw materials, when Petit Bateau launched its second-hand instore and online offer from 2021, when the SNCF broke everything (website, app, etc.) to rethink its customer journey, when Printemps opened the first virtual store to appeal to GenZ... they're trying, they're experimenting, they're getting out of their comfort zone. Creativity is the ability to imagine AND implement, and e-commerce is certainly creative.

Torn between the rationality required for high standards and the irrationality induced by creativity, e-commerce is under pressure, and that makes it better!

We have the opportunity and the responsibility to support this inspiring, innovative and resilient market, and to accelerate alongside it over the last 13 years, with creativity and high standards. The pressure's on!

See you in Monaco!

The 2024 speakers

  • Conferences
  • Keynotes
Conférence d'ouverture du Retail E-Commerce 2024

Opening Conference


To open the conference, Marc Lolivier, Fevad CEO, will put the FEVAD barometer on current trends into perspective.


A session of 3 interviews with the sector's top bosses to decipher the challenges of Data, AI and Ecology! With : Marc Lolivier (Managing Director Fevad), Thomas Métivier (CEO Cdiscount) (AI), Enrique Martinez (Chairman Fnac Darty) (Ecology), Alexandre Kouchner (Editor-in-Chief l'ADN) and Gonzague De Pirey (Chief Omnichannel and Data Officer LVMH).

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Closing conference REC 2024

Closing Conference


As we've seen at this 13th edition of One to One Retail E-commerce, it's hard to escape the AI wave. While it is a little clearer for everyone than it was last week, new questions have undoubtedly emerged! It's like that, alive and constantly evolving. For this final conference, we are offering you a series of 3 interviews to look at AI from every angle, from the most global to the most operational vision, as a summary, a best of of of the discussions held over the 3 days in Monaco.

  • The political/geopolitical dimension of AI: a global vision of AI from the point of view of international relations, public policy and democracy.
    With Asma Mhalla, Specialist in the political and geopolitical stakes of Tech, Lecturer at Columbia GC, Sciences Po, Polytechnique
  • The customer experience dimension of AI: as a tool, what are the current marketing uses of AI? Which ones should we bet on?
    With Romain Roulleau, Digital Director, Kingfisher and Amandine de Souza, Managing Director, leboncoin

A series of interviews conducted by Guillaume Ledit, Editorial Director of l'ADN

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Mirakl Keynote REC24

Mirakl Keynote


With revenues of $125 billion expected to be generated by 2023, retail media is attracting retailers and advertisers who see it as a way of boosting their performance, increasing brand awareness and boosting e-commerce profitability. It's a real opportunity in a context that's under pressure: inflation, shrinking margins, declining customer loyalty and falling advertising ROI. But behind these promises, retailers face a number of challenges: how can they capture the investments of all advertisers? How can retail media be reconciled with the quality of the shopping experience? How can they exploit data and AI to optimise their long-term performance? And finally, how do you engage brands over the long term, with a proven impact on their results? Mirakl and Havas, give you the keys to meeting these challenges by combining cutting-edge technology with unique retail expertise.

With : Capucine Pierard (Vice President at Havas Media Network, Philippe Corrot (Co-founder and co-CEO of Mirakl), Octavie Gosselin (Vice President of Mirakl Ads) Moderated by Charlotte Bricard (Editorial Director, Influencia) Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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Keynote Visa du REC24

Visa Keynote


In a market under pressure, improving the conversion rate is an absolute priority, but it has to be reconciled with an innovative and, of course, secure customer experience... Conversion / UX / Security, the perfect triptych to boost merchant performance. Vestiaire Collective, a forerunner in the second-hand market, innovative and creative by nature, shares with our partner Adyen the context, implementation and insights of Click to Pay integration, on the eve of its deployment in France. 2024, the Olympic year, e-commerce in tune with the athletes, and more than ever in pursuit of performance!

With : Sophie Noel (Head of Merchant Sales and Acquiring, FBL, VISA), Bernard Osta (CFO, Vestiaire Collective) and Virginie Melaine Christensen (Managing Director France, Adyen) Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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Keynote Payplug du REC24

Payplug Keynote


Payment enables us to identify emerging trends in terms of buying paths and habits. By deciphering these trends, we can identify consumer expectations so that we can anticipate future developments and enable retailers to adopt them with a head start. We're in the age of seamless omnichannel: how do we integrate a payment experience that measures up? Online, this translates into a growing demand for fluidity, requiring constant optimisation of this stage. In-store, new practices such as Tap to Pay are changing the relationship with the POS terminal and impacting on interactions with the ecosystem. Payment still differs drastically between online and physical channels, but for how long? How will we be paying in 2040? Come and explore the latest innovations that will change the rules of the game.

With : Antoine Grimaud (CEO Payplug) Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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Keynote Pinterest REC24

Pinterest Keynote


Gen Z shops differently than previous generations—but probably not in the ways you think. Pinterest VP of Product Marketing Julie Towns shares how AI is delivering a more meaningful online shopping experience. And why Gen Z shoppers are loving it.

With: Julie Towns (VP, Product Marketing & Product Operations) and Olivier Oullier (Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Inclusive Brains)

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Brevo Keynote REC24

Brevo Keynote


AI has the potential to transform marketing and revolutionise customer engagement... but is it really? While access to generative AI and AI-powered SaaS tools has democratised, many competitive advantages have yet to be unlocked. The huge investments required by new AI systems will yield little return unless the essential synergy between human intelligence and AI is put in place. Join Mickaël Arias, Chief Engagement Officer at Brevo, serial entrepreneur, investor and technology leader, to understand the current limitations of AI solutions and their integration with CRM systems. Mickaël will discuss preparation strategies, such as centralising data, improving measurement processes and choosing flexible, cost-effective systems. This presentation is a call to action, prompting a rethink of AI integration in marketing, to pave the way for impactful, effective and future-ready marketing practices.

With : Mickaël Arias (Chief Engagement Officer, Brevo)

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Commercetools Keynote REC24

Commercetools Keynote


In an economy demanding more from commerce platforms, how do you ensure your brand is providing the best possible customer experience? Join this session with Michael Scholz, VP of Product and Customer Marketing at commercetools, and Nicolas Pastorino, Group Chief Product & Digital Officer at Interflora Group, as they delve into how technologies like AI and composable commerce are redefining commerce innovation. Learn how to enhance your brand’s digital strategy and embrace the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape.

Avec : Michael Scholz (VP Product & Customer Marketing) et Nicolas Pastorino (Group Chief Product & Digital Officer, Interflora)

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The 2024 pictures

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One to One Retail E-Commerce 2024