The retail sector is in a period of appropriation and development of its skills: it is no longer in a state of disruption, but it has not yet mastered it either...
Simplicity. Vision.
A return to the fundamentals of commerce.
The retail sector is in a period of appropriation and skill-building: it's no longer in a state of disruption, but it's not yet mastered it either... Welcome to the long tail of the ecological transition and the AI revolution! And what if this was - also - the ideal time to go back to basics, to return to our roots?
We have the upper hand, and all the options that go with it.
Shaking up our models and strategies to embrace CSR? That means instilling a new mindset - and operational reflexes - within our organisations.
Embracing Gen AI to improve our performance means first and foremost understanding the tools, learning to use them and shaping them in our image and always training our teams.
We have the tools, it's now up to us to be ambitious.
But let's make no mistake about it, there's no time for dithering.
Between economic pressure, the second-hand market, ecological obligations and geopolitical instability, the market is under pressure and will remain so.
The consequence for those involved in the trade is an obligation to achieve efficient results. Faced with a consumer who is more like an expert than a customer, the offer must be clear and the customer journey perfect.
We have the tools for that too, but it's up to us to exploit them with attention to detail.
It's all about keeping things simple in a complex world.
Faced with the contradictory injunctions to which organisations are subjected (legal issues, the future of work, a sprinkling of customer experience, profitability but responsibility...), it is crucial to choose one's battle, to clarify one's priorities! And to do that, what better way than to go back to basics? How can you emerge as a leader while remaining pragmatic? In the end, it's all about making a decision, defining a bias, and putting it at the service of a vision and a profitable model.
Let's not forget that without people, merchants and customers, retail / e-commerce cannot exist. We have the power.
Let's have an ambitious vision and execute it with simplicity.

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