Closing conference, AI from all angles, moderated by Guillaume Dit editorial director of the ADN group.
With Asma Mhalla, specialist in political and geopolitical issues of the tech teacher at Columbia, Sciences Po and Polytechnique.
Le Monde’s agreement with open AI was announced last Wednesday. Asma Mhalla’s technopolitical book, how technology makes us soldiers, questions the interdependence between society and AI.
Asma Mhalla: "It is the result of 8 years of reflection on the political entanglements underlying technology. Heidegger explained that technology is not technical but political and geopolitical. At stake is the rivalry between the US and China and is played with AI, because of the military uses of AI doped AI, which allows to obtain military supremacy. It resonates with your issues. The real war is not between countries, but a war against speed. We have tools that go very fast.”
The acceleration of Silicon Valley is enabled by AI. “Political thought is not produced by the political classes, which have a no man’s land around technology. We must not reduce it to tools. In XXI, there are two issues, the climate, the technological shock and the democratic dimension. The citizen must seize these subjects. The third subject that arises is the explosion of inequalities. On «acceleration», the ideological question takes place in the Sillicon valley. Altman theorizes post capitalism and fills the void we have not filled. Yesterday, there was an AI report to Emmanuel Macron. But these reports are 30 years late. We must no longer write but do. There will be a lot of comments, which say we have to move, we have to be at the forefront. But in detail, there are many contradictions.”
We have young shoots, like Mistral. “The reception of what I say is experienced as pessimistic, because we are in denial of what is happening. I am in the real politik. You have to hurt yourself. When you go to the doctor, you want him to tell you the reality. When you are in France, you can become a technological periphery; it is a question of not making reports but making. You put hubs everywhere. The Army is launching its agency. You’re bursting at the seams, it’s called a mess.” Mistral «It’s interesting, we had the promise to have a sovereign tool, a generative AI transcribing a French and European culture. Capital is a lot of fundraising in the U.S. and the partnership with Microsoft last week. The model is being closed. Mistral offers the proof of my techno-political book today the hyperscaler are the infra system from which unfolds the industrial political social and military fact As soon as we accept this initial hypothesis that these actors shape the techno-political system of the XXI th century. They are vectors of power. And that raises a question for Europe. It has only two blocks that manage to create big tech. Tech giants are political extensions of their states. These are political and geopolitical actors. These actors are pushing their pawns in the campaign. Part of the silicon valley spins on the alt right. What you have as an app or as a cloud, it demonstrates that. They come as a bottleneck and an instrument of power in the hands of the U.S. It’s the same with the digital silk roads. This raises the fundamental question of European sovereignty, what it is and what is expected of it.
2017 strategic sovereignty. How to redefine them when you are a wave of co-dependence with the United States. Thierry Breton poses things brilliantly in 2019: it is finished the construction of Europe as a market to ensure peace. It had to be after WW2. You have to have a value proposition to have a balance of power with the allies. What do we have on the table when you have to defend another vision. There was the normative response DSA IA Act data Act GDPR (which the commission is trying to break). But what we lack to maintain the balance of power because the US has an extraterritoriality tool of American law, which allows to bypass national laws. We lack an industrial techno vision; We put 52 billion in the chips. France and Europe in 40 years what is it? If you were Chinese American or Russian, or Israeli, you know how to answer me. In France, we don’t know where we’re going. It’s not like the big guys. You have to have niche strategies. Giving up means courage everywhere. France 20 30 is a textbook case, we must be everywhere satellite underwater, cyber AI. At one point, choices must be made. The subtitle, technology makes us soldiers speaks of hyper individualisation, why use the term soldier? The techno shock redefines democracy. There are 3 breakthroughs, we go from a massive world to mass hyper personalization. If we take the work of Hannah Arendt, it is a highway to totalitarianism if there is no counter-place of collective and common.
The 2° rupture, the AI (Gen facial recognition the algos) are dual, are both civil and military. We have proof with Ukraine. Neuralink, we can manipulate you. Context of interference of manipulation of opinions and destabilization of our models. As soon as these technos are dual, you become a soldier and a target in spite of yourself. A speech that forbids the screen to minors is not having understood the time. Reasons to hope for a new class that acts the change of century. We must be fresh and curious about the world. It is up to us third states to get out of bread and games to avoid revolt. It is up to us to decelerate, because things are getting hot. It’s the frenzy before the collapse. It is at this time that we must decelerate to read understand decode and organize the risk is the hyper personalization of nothing".
With Romain Roulleau, Chief digital marketing & customer officer & digital strategy Kingfisher France and Amandine de Souza, General Manager Leboncoin.
Amandine de Souza has between 27 and 30 million visitors a month. “Artificial intelligence has been used for many years. There is this fantasy of making the product easier and more relevant and automating. What convictuin is that it helps us. Developers have copilot to work better, 420 M customer service conversations initiated and interactions with customer service, we need automated answers. They are co-pilots for less value-added tasks.
Romain Roulleau, “I remember Asma’s presentation on deceleration. I have been working in this sector for 20 years and we have been putting emphasis everywhere. For the past year, I have felt that this is a real revolution. As soon as it comes out, we have a multitude of workable solutions. Unlike mobile, when the iPhone, the ecosystem did not exist. In a few months, 300 million people use it. Every day, there are new uses and we are flooded with proposals. But you have to make choices. Our chatbot. Let’s take the risk, we are facing the customer, but we must not have hallucinations too strong; We launched in November but we do not integrate any customer data. If someone asks the same question as I will not have the same answer. I prefer to have a quality answer, learn. There will probably be monetization after that. Monetization will come after that. That’s what Google did at the beginning. Protection of personal data and privacy.
Amandine de Souza: “How when you open your page the right corner, have an experience based on your history. And we wonder about the biases that this can generate, from the confinement in filter bubbles. With regard to personal data, we have regulations. Much of our road map is based on cla. And at the same time get out of this frame.”.
Romain Roulleau: «Hello Casto has developed a framewok around the virtual advisor so that the advisor rejects personal data. I’m not here to do that. We offer the products but then we enter the traditional e-commerce tunnel. 48 hours after the beta, the public asked us to customize. We cannot store any data and do customization. But in a second time, it will be necessary to deal with monetization.
Amandine de Souza «asks herself questions about the accessibility of platforms, how will SEO evolve. Will the bot crawl the site? On the use, on the platform, how to facilitate the deposit of announcement, to make enter the description, the image, the search, the conversion, the customer service.
The third pillar is on internal issues. We refused to work on confidential data, with GPT chat we produced our own LLM. And we want to keep governance on these topics.
Fourth pillar how it opens
Romain Roulleau: "Within 24 months, the interfaces of e-commerce sites, which have not moved for fifteen years, will evolve significantly. We launched a visual search engine three years ago. We developed a personalization engine, and the Hello Casto chatbot is conversational. But you can’t stack research models. Tomorrow the conversation will integrate all these elements. We have 70,000 products, soon a market place, AI multiplies visuals improves things. Pre-automate the customer relationship, these elements of optimization of the back business to address them next to each other. We must prioritize training: even in digital teams, there are different levels. There are people who find ways to apply it, people who go back to their old ways. And people who are afraid. The group will allow everyone to understand the tools, we secure them without risk of data output. They need to understand the use cases for themselves.”
Amandine de Souza «On AI gen, we are a tech company, many use Gen IA. But we must support developers and product teams. It’s hard to make our governance understand what’s at stake now. When you see what Amazon is doing, Airbnb. And then the dirty marketing, the orgas the job sheets and the company must give the means to understand. There is a real topic of co-construction. We have 150 use cases that have become 25 use cases. These prioritizations were made by the teams. The sales teams had a sales rhythm that suited everyone. But AI allows you to think about when I call and what I offer.”
Romain Roulleau: “Five years ago, digital is tied. Here we have the same subject, it is the employer’s role not to say where you understand or go out. We have to integrate that it is part of everyday life."